The American Army

Foreword – The American Soldier

Introduction – “Things Ain’t What They Used To Be”


Chapter 1 – Long Ago and Far Away, Ft. Bragg

Includes: Marksmanship Training; The Letter; Goldbricking; Mess Halls

Chapter 2 – The Old Reliables, Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily & England

Includes: Your Helmet; Private Snafu; Combat Fatigue; Mustangs; Officers & Sergeants; Combat Infantryman Badge; Bob Hope; The Army Way; Wounds

Chapter 3 – The Americans are coming! Across France & Belgium

Includes: Medics; Bazooka; Hooch; Sleep; Krauts, Jerries, Huns, Heinies & Fritz; IV-Fs & Jody; Tiger Tank; Guardian Angel

Chapter 4 – The Hell of the Hürtgen

Includes: May Hosiery Mill; Navigating through the Woods; C-Rations & K-Rations; German Discipline; M1s & BARs; Mortars; Maps; Pneumonia; Sounds

Chapter 5 – The Hohes Venn, Elsenborn Ridge (1), Merode Castle

Includes: Trench Foot; Unit Call Signs; Latrines; Gas Masks; Deuce and a Half; Foxholes; Booby Traps; The Uniform; Foraging, Scrounging & Looting; Radios; Infantry Tactics; Penicillin; Malmedy

Chapter 6 – Battle of the Bulge, Elsenborn Ridge (2), Kalterherberg

Includes: Glenn Miller; Hey Joe. Whaddya know?; Spam; Continental Stockade; Barbed Wire; Fruitcake; Victory Mail

Chapter 7 – Mac’s War Stalag VI G

Includes: Dog Tags; Missing in Action; Typhus

Chapter 8 – Dying a Man at a Time

Includes: Repple Depots; Silver Star; Snipers; Beware Traitor…the Werwolf Watches

Chapter 9 – “Show Me the Way to Go Home”

Includes: Operation Downfall

Conclusion – “I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me”

Includes: where every soldier who died in the final year of the war is buried

Epilogue – The Silent Generation

Includes: postwar information on many of the soldiers who survived

Appendix: Company B Personnel

Includes: name, service number, rank, duty positions, medals received, dates became casualties

Endnotes & Bibliography