This Date in History: March 6
Jürgen Stroop, SS-Brigadeführer, born September 26, 1895 in Detmold, commander of the SS troops at the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising April-May 1943, SS and Police Leader Warsaw, Higher SS and Police Leader Rhein-Westmark, author of the Stroop Report, winner of the Iron Cross 1st Class, convicted of crimes against humanity in Warsaw, executed by hanging on March 6, 1952; on the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto:
“Considering that the greater part of the men of the Waffen-SS had only been trained for three to four weeks before being put on this action, high credit should be given for the pluck, courage and devotion to duty they showed. It has to be stated that the Army Engineers, too, executed their demolitions of bunkers, sewers and concrete buildings with indefatigableness and great devotion to duty. Officers and men of the Police, some of whom had already served at the front, again excelled through their dashing spirit.” (2000 Quotations from Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich)
Friday, March 6, 1874, north of the Yellowstone River, sunrise was at 6:44 a.m. The expedition traveled about eight miles to the east, before halting in the afternoon and establishing a laager for the night. Sunset occurred at 6:08 p.m. Back in Bozeman, the Avant Courier printed a long article on the expedition that included:
“As for finding gold on this expedition, everyone feels confident of success…one thing is certain, the country is gold-bearing and in case we fail in our expectations at our point of view, there is a majority as willing to and will prospect the country to the head of Wind river or find diggings, and shall not visit Bozeman before Christmas. Gold is what we want and gold is what we must have.” (Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gold and Guns: The 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition and the 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition)