Anton Drexler

Anton Drexler, one of the intellectual founders of the National Socialist Movement, born June 13, 1884 in Munich, left active Nazi service in the 1920s, died February 25, 1942 in Munich, said of Adolf Hitler in 1919: “An absurd little man has become Member Number 7 of our Party.”  (2,000 Quotes From Hitler’s 1,000-Year Reich)


George Herendeen

On Wednesday, February 25, 1874 sunrise was at 7:00 a.m.  The 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition probably remained at Sweet Grass Creek, while Frank Grounds rode ahead to find a good route east of the creek.  Sunset occurred at 5:55 p.m.  George Herendeen later recalled the situation in the bitter cold:  “We had to run our stock around nights to keep them from freezing to death.  It was the coldest spring I ever saw.”  (Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gold and Guns: The 1874 Yellowstone Wagon Road and Prospecting Expedition and the Battle of Lodge Grass Creek)


Chicago Crime Calendar

On February 25, 1957 one-time Prohibition bootlegger and Al Capone nemesis George Moran died of cancer in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, serving 10 years for bank robbery.